Cold and flu bugs can strike at any time of year. While the bugs will always be out there, taking good care of our immune health means we are better able to fight off bugs before they settle in and cause illness.
During sleep is when we repair and regenerate. Insufficient or poor quality sleep means our immune defences are impaired and we are more like to succumb to bugs that we may otherwise have been able to fight off. If you're already sick, now is the time to take time off work or school and rest up as much as possible. By not overexerting ourselves we allow the body to use as much energy as possible to fight off the illness.
Homemade smoothies and soups are a great way to sneak a whole variety of fresh fruit, veggies and quality protein into even the fussiest eaters. Get the kids involved, if they help make it they tend to be more inclined to eat it! Let food be thy medicine...
It might sound like strange immune boosting advice but laughter has been shown to decrease stress and improve immune function. And it’s just plain fun to do.
Honey is a traditional soothing favourite, suitable for adults and children over 1 year of age. Even the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends honey and lemon drinks, and in a trial comparing honey to cough medicine parents rated honey better. Medsafe advise that many pharmaceutical cough syrups aren't safe for children under 6, and honey is a natural alternative that most kids will happily take without argument!
Salt water gargles are great for raw sore throats and to protect against infection. Try ¼-½ tsp of sea salt or rock salt dissolved in a cup of warm water and gargled regularly.
Stay hydrated by consuming water, teas, smoothies and soups. A dehydrated body will take longer to fight off infection than a hydrated one.